The International Fraud Awareness Week shines the spotlight on security measures and tools that protect businesses and consumers from fraud.

Fraud Awareness Week with Qashier

The International Fraud Awareness Week, from November 12-18, 2023, shines the spotlight on security measures and tools that safeguard businesses and consumers from fraud. Qashier invests in the most up-to-date features to secure each payment transaction. 

When thinking of a point-of-sale solution for your F&B, beauty, retail store, or other businesses, having peace of mind when customers transact with your business builds trust. And we want to help you do that. Let’s look into the superior safety features Qashier offers for Point-of-Sale (POS) solutions, in observance of the International Fraud Awareness Week:

Point-of-Sale (POS) Features

User Permission Settings:

Enhanced user permission settings in Qashier allow businesses to determine access levels for different employees. This customized access is pivotal for security, reducing the chances of accidental data leaks or mismanagement. This granular control enhances data confidentiality and security by limiting potential risks.

Real-Time Sales Transaction Dashboard:

Qashier provides a real-time sales transaction dashboard across multiple platforms, offering businesses unparalleled transparency and transaction control. This dashboard enables firms to respond rapidly to sales trends, pinpoint top-selling products, and instantly tackle discrepancies. It also serves as an analytical tool, providing a detailed view of sales patterns, which helps in strategic planning, informed inventory decisions, and marketing endeavors.

Payments Features (Coming Soon in PH)

QR Payments (Static and Dynamic):

QR codes, recognizable as square-shaped grids storing information, can be easily scanned by digital devices for quick payments and information access. There are two types: static and dynamic. Static QR codes remain unchanged once created, often necessitating manual price input by customers. In contrast, dynamic QR codes can adapt in real-time to various prices, minimizing payment discrepancies. 

For instance in Singapore: the PayNow QR code, integrated with the Singapore Quick Response (SGQR) Code, enhances this functionality. When customers scan a dynamic PayNow QR code on a Qashier smart POS terminal, it ensures precise transaction amounts and eliminates potential manual errors. Beyond payments, you can generate dynamic QR codes on our terminals to speed up your restaurant’s ordering process or even for marketing and promotions

PCI DSS Certified:

Just as SSL certification is vital for websites, PCI DSS certification is crucial for payments. With this certification, Qashier ensures businesses and their customers are safeguarded against potential vulnerabilities of credit card transactions, reducing the risk of data breaches and fraudulent activities.

Cloud and Encryption

The Power of Google Cloud:

Qashier, powered by Google Cloud, offers an advanced layer of security that few can rival. Leveraging real-time AI-driven threat detection and the rapid-response capabilities of Chronicle’s Security Operations suite guarantees businesses the best of Google’s security measures. This backing means data is stored and protected by top-tier security protocols.

End-to-End Encryption:

Qashier stands out with its end-to-end encryption capabilities, ensuring an unbreachable, secure pathway for payment data. From the moment data is captured until it’s processed, it’s encased in a secure cryptographic envelope, ensuring it remains impenetrable to unauthorized entities.

Additional Security Features with Qashier Smart POS

In addition to everything above, Qashier showcases its firm commitment to security through consistent software updates, which address potential vulnerabilities. In that way, businesses always operate with the latest and safest version, safeguarding them from new threats.

Additionally, Qashier’s rigorous real-time fraud monitoring scrutinizes transaction patterns to detect suspicious activities instantly. This continuous vigilance allows businesses to operate seamlessly without worrying about potential fraud.

Qashier promises a seamless operational experience and cutting-edge security features, ensuring business and customer data safety. This International Fraud Awareness Week, join the global initiative to elevate and prioritize security awareness with Qashier.

More about Qashier

Qashier offers multiple digital solutions, including QR code table ordering, table management (F&B), employee management, customer relationship management (loyalty programs), inventory management, data analytics, and track payments, in an all-in-one device.

Qashier promises a seamless setup within 10 minutes, without the need for technical expertise. It boasts a user-friendly interface that is simple for anyone to learn and use. If you require assistance, you’ll find 7 days-a-week responsive technical support from your local team.

Try the Qashier app for free on your own Android device! Speak to us to see if Qashier’s Smart POS can meet your business needs. Schedule a meeting with us here, or contact us at +63 917 QASHIER (7274437) (Whatsapp and Viber) or email at [email protected]



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