
Enjoy Raya while you keep your business running smoothly

Raya season is upon us!

If you are taking some time off during Raya, it is important to communicate important information to stakeholders and hand over the controls to a trusted employee or partner.

Planning this takes time. We have compiled this easy checklist with some important to-do’s that will ensure smooth business operations during this Raya season.

1. Inform your stakeholders

This includes your staff, suppliers, and valuable customers whom you have made arrangements with.

It’s best to inform them as soon as you have set the date of your leave and communicate your handover. This gives them sufficient time to be prepared for your absence and take note of the necessary.

If you are a sole business owner, set an automatic notification or reply on messaging platforms (Whatsapp business, emails, and social media channels ), informing when they can expect a reply from you. This keeps your recipients informed while maintaining your professionalism as a business owner.

2. Assign and train the person in charge to handle admin controls

You will need to entrust your Manager PIN for important setting access to a designated person – this can be your manager or a trusted staff who is capable of taking on additional responsibilities and is reliable in serving both your business and the customer’s best interest.

Before you go on your leave, make sure the designated person has a clear picture on the tasks and is well-trained in handling operations which involve accessing any key systems. Should there be any important stakeholder arrangement, it should also be communicated to him/ her.

3. Stock up!

Maintain customer satisfaction while you are away!

With the Raya holidays, your business can expect higher foot traffic. As such, you would want your store to be well-stocked – especially bestselling ones – so that customers can always trust your store to get the items they want or need. 

If you are using Qashier’s POS solutions, you will be aware that its inventory management feature automates stock counts for every sale, hence notifying you and your staff when the inventory is running low. Plus, you can easily identify the bestsellers through sales insights, allowing you to stock up wisely. 

4. Prepare a shift timetable for your staff

Plan ahead and be assured that your store runs smoothly like any other day.

Since it’s Raya, your staff may also want to take some time off too. This makes preparing a timetable crucial in identifying the need to redistribute among staff or hire temporary staff to assign enough manpower and ensure all tasks are covered while you are away.

5. Create a contact list for emergencies

Get your business prepared and running with minimal disruption whenever hiccups occur.

No matter if you are away or not, it is always good to have a contingency plan on hand as hiccups can be inevitable. While you are away, communicate this contingency plan to your staff and assign a dependable person in charge to take lead in any circumstances.

6. Get your store in the Raya mood

The first impression your store gives to customers matters. Moreover with Raya mood in the air, decorating your store will not only create the festive atmosphere but elevates your brand image. Most importantly, a positive shopping experience can lead to increased sales especially when customers are more inclined to spend more during this period.

In our previous article, we discussed some marketing ideas for Raya that take your business up a notch. Check it out here.

We’ve pretty much covered the essentials, now it’s time to…

7. Trust the process and have fun!

It is okay to feel anxious about taking some time off as you care a great deal about your business.

Nevertheless, your well-being matters as much and taking this well-deserved break that not only recharges your energy. At times, taking a break could also inspire new ideas and innovations that propel your business forward.

So sit back, and relax. As long as you have entrusted the right person, your business is in good hands!

Stay up to date on your business anywhere with your Qashier business portal

Going on a getaway does not mean you have to be in the dark about how your business is doing. 

Qashier’s cloud-based POS and payments solution allows you to access business insights wherever you are. With your own smart devices, all you need is WiFi or a data connection to log into your business portal – a single source of truth for sales data, inventory management, and customer relationship management. 

Besides, you can also keep track of the manpower running your store on your browser as well. With the convenience of allowing staff to easily clock in and out on Qashier terminal itself, you can stay visible on day-to-day operations anytime when needed, while justifying staff entitlement to commissions. 

This Raya, Qashier wishes our Muslim merchants Selamat Hari Raya and a happy holidays for those taking a break!

More about Qashier

Qashier offers multiple digital solutions, including QR code table ordering, table management (F&B), employee management, customer relationship management (loyalty programs), inventory management, data analytics, and cashless payments, in an all-in-one device.

Qashier promises a seamless setup without any need for technical expertise. It boasts a user-friendly interface that is simple for anyone to learn and use. In addition, you’ll find 7 days-a-week responsive technical support from the local team if you require assistance.

Try the Qashier app for free on your own Android device! Alternatively, you can speak to us to see how Qashier can meet your business needs. Schedule a meeting with us here, call us at (+65) 3165 0155, WhatsApp (+65) 8887 7687, or email [email protected].