“Your dream must be big.” What started as a passion to bring joy to others through her bakes, became a home business for Joyce during the pandemic last year. Today, the 59-year-old owns a small pastry shop selling her signature egg tarts.
With her family on board as her best baking squad, Joyce’s 蛋塔人生 Mother-In-Law Egg Tart is the recipe of what great dreams are made of. The increased demands on operations following the business expansion also means the need to rethink their management approach.
“Everything was very manual when we were a home-based business. We tracked sales via an Excel sheet. Now that we have a shop, we rely on Qashier POS system to simplify our work. It’s so easy to use! I can even access sales and reports through my mobile phone.”
Glad that our solutions value-added to Mother-In-Law Egg Tarts so they can focus on what they are best at – making tantalising bakes that you’ll find irresistible
Hi. I am Tony, I am the co-founder of Mother-In-Law Egg Tart. We started it with the concept of really wanting it to be more than just baking tarts.
It is all about family and relationship. It started during circuit breaker when we wanted to send something to our friends and relatives so we thought this little pastry would be something that is easy to eat and something that can help with bonding during those times.
Friends and relatives started to enquire, it came to a point where we had to source for ingredients everyday because we are running out so that is where we realised that there might be a potential gap in this market.
I think it is definitely more than knowing how to cook or bake, it becomes a more holistic area where you learn how to manage your business. Back then when it was home based, we had to do everything manually.
We had to create an excel sheet to track how much we are selling and how much to prepare. But now, everything is simplified. Qashier is actually very easy to use.
They are able to break down per item, how much sales we are getting. You can also access it via your phone or browser. Now we see that most of our customers buy for their friends and relatives. So we can actually see what are some of the best sellers and what are some of the not so popular flavours.
Firstly, if you want to innovate, you need to have the interest. Secondly, you will need to observe more. So while I am making the egg tarts, I will also be trying them out. I will also share the egg tarts with my friends, and they will provide me with their feedback on what flavours are good.
So I will always experiment with new flavours and work on the suggestions provided by my friends. And from there, the end product will be the best. You have to dream big, regardless of whether you can achieve it or not.
Even though my shop is very small, it is important for us to have big dreams. And ensure that the quality of our product is good and tasty. The dream we have for the shop is to eventually venture into franchisingwhere we can share these homemade egg tarts with interesting flavours to all Singaporean egg tart enthusiasts.